A traditional home from home
SAGE is conveniently located in Golders Green Road in North West London and is very close to public transport, shops, synagogues and communal facilities. SAGE currently provides round the clock facilities for 60 residents in a relaxed, comfortable and most importantly home-like atmoshpere.
In addition to our long term residents, we welcome those who require convalescent care or those who are cared for elsewhere and need a temporary change of environment.
Specialist nursing care is always available. Our care is tailored to meet the particular needs of the individual.
The Alzheimer Care Centre provides specialist care for 20 residents. The centre has its own lounge facilities offering residents tailor made care, comfort, security and companionship.
We provide a wide range of facilities for our residents. including a spacious communal lounges, comfortable communal dining area, physiotherapy room and more.
It is an important part of the SAGE philosophy that our residents live their lives to the full and feel that they are still very much part of the community.
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Company Name: Service to the Aged t/as SAGE Nursing Home
Company number: 2580196
Registered charity: 1001916
208 Golders Green Road,
London NW11 9AQ